Well….. we did make a million but not in the corporate monkey sense! One of our babies Smallbusinesscan.com has reached a Million page views for the year, yip 1 cool million (collective cheer:) Now we know page views is not a stat to boast to much about and unique visits & return visits…. blah blah blah… should be zoned in on much more but we are virgins to the lofty heights of a million page views so boast we shall.
A new version of smallbusinesscan.com is being cooked up in the Jamjo oven right now, this time around we even made a special sauce… but all shall be revealed in good time. In fact we are setting ourselves some lofty targets in terms of stats for the new edition of smallbusinesscan.com so hopefully we will be adding to this blog post in the near future. Small Businesses in Ireland aint dead just yet despite what the man/woman on the news say!! ;)
Bring on 2011…