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Mobile Website and Responsive Website Design

1st April 2013|

Responsive web design (RWD) is a web design approach aimed at crafting sites to provide an optimal viewing experience—easy reading and navigation with a minimum of resizing, panning —across a wide range of devices (from[...]

Happy Crimbo from JamJo

21st December 2012|

Happy Crimbo from JamJo The end of the year is nigh. And your trusty JamJo are signing off for a few days to sip mulled wine and down mince pies (not too many tho, we[...]

WordPress Security: Is your theme design secure?

17th September 2012|

As all of our clients know, we take security pretty serious and we are always aiming to do better on the security stakes. We have learned from the past ourselves with our own personal web[...]

JamJo in the Irish Examiner

31st August 2012|

Have you heard of Google Business Photos? It's basically Google Maps with Street View except now you get to walk in off the street and view the interiors of buildings. (Don't worry not residential properties!)[...]

Some new work

31st August 2012|

Your ever trusty JamJo have been busy in the web mill of late. We've launched 3 new websites that you can feast your eyes on at the links below. First up is Supernova, Corks premiere[...]

Client Spotlight: University College Cork

27th July 2012|

This month in the JamJo client spotlight is University College Cork. UCC Accommodation & Student Activities to be precise. JamJo took on website design duties for the Student Accommodation website last year. Give the site[...]

JamJo features you may not know about!

8th July 2012|

Managed Website Updates 1. WordPress core updates become available regularly. Almost every popular CMS releases security updates and major version updates regularly at least once a quarter. We keep your site secure without you having[...]